Fees & Subscriptions 2008/2009

• Annual Subscription Fee (mid Sept to mid May)


There are three different fees which SYG require:

  1. Uniform Contribution Fee (new members only)

This is a one-off fee for any new members to SYG to help cover the cost of providing the SYG uniform.  (Please see notes on Uniform in this letter). This fee is only paid once, when you first join, and is due by 22nd September 2008.

          The uniform contribution fee is £25

  1. Annual Subscription Fee (mid Sept to mid May)

The subs cover the costs involved in running SYG on Monday evenings, e.g. insurance, hire of facilities, affiliation fees, etc. As for last year, to make budgeting easier for both you and us, we have incorporated the costs of the Monday evening outings into the subs, which we used to charge for separately.  This means that the subs now cover the cost of ALL Monday evenings at SYG from mid Sept through to the start of the Summer Programme in May.

The subs for this year (08/09) are due by 22nd September 2008.

The Juniors subscription for 2008 / 2009 is £55
The Seniors / Amicus subscription for 2008 / 2009 is £70

In order to assist families with more than one child in SYG, we have a “sliding   scale” for subs as shown in the matrix below, e.g. if you have 1 Junior and 1 Senior/Amicus in SYG, then the total subs payable  will be £113.



No Juniors

1 Junior

2 Juniors

3 Juniors

No Seniors/Amicus





1 Senior/Amicus





2 Seniors/Amicus





3 Seniors/Amicus





Please Note: The subs only just cover the costs of running the group. The SYG leaders undertake a significant amount of fundraising in order to provide the full range of opportunities available at SYG.

  1. Summer Programme Fee (mid May to mid July)

The summer term is when we change gear completely and undertake a number of different “fun” activities, e.g. bowling, wide games, a Barbeque, punting, etc, which we need to charge for separately, the cost being determined by the activities we undertake (usually around £25 for the whole summer term).  You will be advised of this fee nearer that time.

Important Changes to Funding
SYG have always sought funds on the behalf of families that may have difficulty meeting any of the SYG costs (Fees/subscriptions and camp).   We have always been supported by the Huntingdon's Charity.  From the 1st September 2008 the Huntingdon's Charity have changed the way in which they operate.  They now require all applications for funding to come direct from the families.  This will now mean that some families may have all the costs of SYG paid for.  If you have any concerns, or would like to know more about these changes, please feel free to contact us.

 Please don’t let money be a barrier!
If you need help in meeting any of our fees,
 please do let us know.

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